Saturday 7 February 2009


This morning I found a wood mouse in the kitchen.  Bigger than a house mouse, with a cream belly and a longer tail.  No fear at all, he sat and stared at me and only ran when I tried to catch him.  He eventually slipped away between some of the units.  I assume he has come inside because of the cold, as neighbours told us that they have wood mice living in the dry stone walls outside.  

Then this afternoon, sorting boxes in the garden studio, we heard a flock of long-tailed tits attack the bird feeders.  An excited chattering, a flurry of birds from feeder to bush to perch, and they were gone.  Hopefully now they know there is food here they will come back.  

More snow overnight, just a light dry fall.  A clear moon to start with, the stars pale in comparison.  Great moonlit views across the valley, a speckling of village lights against the blue snowlight.  

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