Friday 20 February 2009

All Weathers

I am disappointed that I won't manage the full 90 or near enough entries for this Journal, but with moving and packing a chunk was missed; never mind, I'll try harder with the Summer Journal this year.

Summer seems a long way off tonight.  Candlelight and firelight and a frost overnight; it is still very wintry.  But I had to go into Kington today and the sun in the valley was quite strong, almost warm.  There was no strength to it, however, and in the shade it was quite cool.  On the way back the back of this hill appeared quite soon after leaving Kington and as is the way with such things it felt a shorter distance coming home.  

There are still lines of wall-snow on the hills across the valley, the slopes of the Radnor Forest. Driving to Welshpool on Wednesday I saw great thick slabs of old snow even quite close to the road, cut away like the overhang on an iceberg or thick and silent like icing on a Christmas cake.  

But the season is winding down.  The days are noticeably longer and the daffodils, crocuses and primulas have started appearing in the old garden walls.  And there are snowdrops everywhere.  

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