Monday 5 January 2009

Herrock Hill

Memorial cairn, Herrock Hill, Radnor valley, January 5th 2009
The first day of working on the Wordsworth project, a first group meeting and some landscape work. We explored the Radnor valley in light snow and cold winds; the ground frozen, the hills snowbound. We climbed Herrock Hill overlooking the valley, a steep pull up for me in slippery new-soles-needed boots and a jarring walk down, but an astonishing winter landscape of whites and greys and silvers way above the valley floor (all browns and shaved greens, snow lying on tilled fields like icing sugar on a cake). The hills ran away as far as we could see, west into Wales, north towards Shropshire, south towards the Black Mountains, and west down the valley towards Presteigne. And all the heights were thickly dusted with snow. I will write the morning up as a landscape writings piece.

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