Wednesday 10 December 2008

Field Sports

Looking towards the Black Mountain across the Arrow valley, December 10th 2008

A mild day and a cold night. A good walk this morning on the hill in cool bright sunshine, excellent views across the shallow valley of the river Arrow towards Canon Pyon and the gap in the hills that leads to Hereford. Brown fields, bare woods, the smoke of distant bonfires. We walked across one of the fields used by the shoot - but not today - and saw the stands of maize/sweetcorn left to protect the birds, blond stalks rattling in the thin breeze. The far woods across the field had the remains of a thorn field boundary, twisted gnarled thorn bushes the dark-cream colour of the fields. And beyond the woods we could hear the thunder of the racehorses being exercised.

Tonight I made a Christmas wreath out of redundant fence wire, junk twine and foraged pine cones - larch, Douglas fir and giant redwood from the Limebrook walk at the weekend. A very satisfying thing to do, the creation of something new, hand-made, free.

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